Vinstrol d.o.o. Belgrade represents a novelty on the market of distribution of video surveillance equipment.
Since 2019, representatives of the Vinstrol company have participated in all relevant world fairs of video surveillance equipment, where the first in the series was the IFSEC International fair held in London, UK.
Based on the acquired knowledge and experience, we decided to distribute the VinTech brand, whose cameras and accompanying equipment are aligned with Serbian standards.
Vinstrol is the official distributor of the VinTech brand for the territory of the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.
In particular, when it comes to analog cameras, all equipment is ONVIF, ie compatible with equipment from other manufacturers, so you won’t have any problems if you want to combine CCTV equipment made by different manufacturers.
The quality of analog cameras, as well as the design itself, is on a par with devices produced by leaders in this field, such as Dahua and HikVision.
It should be emphasized that the company Vinstrol is still building its name in this industry, which is why the prices are more favorable, while the quality is at the level of the products of the mentioned brands.
You can download the catalog here
Analog cameras are of high quality and modern design, and most of them have starlight sensors that enable color images in minimal night lighting.
Each analog camera has an IP rating of IP66 and IP67, so dust ingress is guaranteed and they are protected against water jets at any angle.
VinTech analog cameras and recorder software are easy to install and easy to use for both installers and end users.
You can see the difference between standard cameras and star light cameras in the photos below.

Vinstrol d.o.o. Beograd predstavlja novitet na tržištu distribucije opreme za video nadzor.
Od 2019. godine predstavnici firme Vinstrol učestvuju na svim relevantnim svetskim sajmovima opreme za video nadzor, gde je prvi u nizu bio IFSEC International sajam održan u Londonu, UK.
Na osnovu stečenog znanja i iskustva, opredelili smo se za distribuciju brenda VinTech, čije kamere i prateća oprema su usklađeni sa srpskim standardima.
Vinstrol je zvanični distributer VinTech brenda za teritoriju Republike Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore.
Konkretno, kada su u pitanju analogne kamere, sva oprema je ONVIF, odnosno kompatibilna sa opremom drugih proizvođača, tako da nećete imati problema ukoliko želite da kombinujete opremu za CCTV izrađenu od strane različitih proizvođača.
Kvalitet analognih kamera, kao i sam dizajn, u rangu je sa uređajima proizvedenim od strane lidera u ovoj oblasti, poput Dahua i HikVision.
Treba naglasiti da kompanija Vinstrol još uvek gradi svoje ime u ovoj delatnosti, zbog čega su cene povoljnije, dok je kvalitet na nivou proizvoda pomenutih brendova.
You can download the catalog here
Analog cameras are of high quality and modern design, and most of them have starlight sensors that enable color images in minimal night lighting.
Each analog camera has an IP rating of IP66 and IP67, so dust ingress is guaranteed and they are protected against water jets at any angle.
VinTech analog cameras and recorder software are easy to install and easy to use for both installers and end users.
You can see the difference between standard cameras and star light cameras in the photos below.